I have a mitten! Look at me, I can knit mittens. Well, I can knit one mitten. I have cast on the second one. There are a couple of problems with it, as it seems a little short and the thumb a little large, but I will wear it with pride. I will make the second one perfect, I know it.
My in-laws were here a lot over the Thanksgiving weekend, so I was not been able to knit as much as I usually do. I even had Monday & Tuesday off and still did not get much done. They finally headed for home Wednesday morning. I was just exhausted by the time they left. I was too tired to knit last night and tonight I have been running like crazy. I had a job interview on Tuesday and I was offered the job today. I am so excited. I plan on staying at my current job through the end of the year. I have a bunch of forms that I need to fill out and send in to make it official.
I have not worked on my mom’s pillow at all. I am worried that I am going to wait until it is too late and then I will not get anything done. I do not want to sabotage myself. I think I am a little scared that I am doing it wrong. Maybe I will just do a striped pillow. I am going to try to go a little further on the pattern I created. If all else fails, her birthday is in March!
Isn’t life just too exciting?