I know that I have not blogged in forever. Okay a month. Things have been very strange in my life.
First I would like to reflect on leaving a job. When I finally announced I was leaving, People who I hardly worked with came over and asked me all sorts of questions. It was disturbing. I was glad when I did not have to answer the questions any more. I do not know if it was because they wanted to leave as well or if it was just morbid curiosity. It was weird.
I love my new job. It is a fantastic place to work. It is so much calmer and it has a really good cafeteria. Yeah for me!
The Girl has revealed to us that she does not believe in God and she is a right to lifer. It has been a big week.
I have been trying to get knitting done. I did not get The Girl's poncho done in time for Christmas. It is knit now, but I need to do all the fringe. Yuck!
I just finished a fan and feather scarf that I am going to send to the Red Scarf Project. I have a ton of UFOs that I need to work on, but I have a bad case of startitis. I really want to start knitting a shawl for me. I suppose I should finish at least one of the projects I have started before I go one to yet another.
I am knitting a new scarf for my husband as he lost the last one I knit him. Sigh. He definitely needs one as it has finally gotten cold and snowy here in MN.