On Saturday, hubby and I went to a craft fair at the State Fairgrounds. It was cold, 37 deg and windy. We bought some pins for The Girl, I bought some yarn from Aisha Celia Designs (it was on sale and purple, I could not resist) and I bought a fabulous hat. Here are some pictures.

Isn’t it just gorgeous? I love to be able to buy a big piece from an artist. It is a hand blocked and sewn beaver hat. I bought it from Moe Sew Co. so if you want a great hat, you can buy one too. It was between this one and The Spring in Transition (which is still available on their Esty site). My husband said I looked better in this one. But all of the hats were lovely. Of course, I adore hats. I always have and I know from experience that a hand millinered hat cost a lot of money so I felt it was a really good deal.
On Sunday, we had a family lunch out and then went to the movies. We saw “Deception”. It was okay. It started out really slow and there was way too much female nudity. We went to see it because it starred Hugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor. Okay, it was just because they are both very pretty. However, Hugh was never out of his clothes and Ewan was always wearing some tighty whiteys. Not very attractive. Really, some boxer briefs would have been sexier. It was not very surprising even though it was supposed to be a thriller and it had HUGE plot holes. It did have some nice sweaters in it, so it does get some points for that. I am giving it 2 ½ knitting needles. It is watchable, but I would wait for the DVD.
I knit a lacy hat over the weekend. I do not know what I am going to do with it, because it really isn’t me. However, I was easy to do.
I am working on a tea cozy. It was a kit I bought last year at Shepherd’s Harvest, since it has almost a year I thought it was time. It is a fiddly pattern, but easy. It will be extremely cute when I am done.
I have been trying to come up with something to knit for my MIL for Mother’s Day. I am not having much luck deciding what to do and let’s face it, it is fast approaching. I do not know what I am going to do about it. Perhaps I will just knit up a little something and hope for the best.
On a totally different subject… Knitty.com has their spring surprise up and I love the Tempest sweater. It is just lovely. I think I actually have yarn I could use from my stash for it. Can you believe it? Of course, it would require me to actually knit a whole sweater, so it is not likely to happen, but it is a nice thought.
Work has been really blah. Nothing bad happening, but nothing interesting either. I really wish I did not have to work in an office any more. When did this happen? Is it because I am almost 40? The Girl asked why everything we have planned for our lives starts after she is gone. I had to explain that when you have kids you need to have health insurance so I have to keep working until she is gone. She did agree that she warrants a great deal of health insurance.
I realized today that people I work with here are the same people I worked with at my last job and several other jobs, they just have different outsides. They all blend together. And no doubt, I am just a replacement for the person who sat at my desk and did my job before me. We all want to be special, but none of us really are. Well, I take that back, at my last job, I worked with a crazy lady who was definitely different, although, I don’t think she thought so.