The Girl and The Boyfriend got mad at my husband last week and spent Wednesday through Sunday at his mom’s house. They have taken up spending a lot of time over there, which is odd because before The Baby was born The Girl acted like The Boyfriend’s family was pure evil. I think they were just being pissy and I think they are over it, but it is hard to tell. They are going over to there this weekend as well because it is The Boyfriend’s birthday on Sunday. I am sure they will be causing trouble and I worry about The Baby, but I am not sure what I can do about it. The Girl admitted she had been giving The Baby formula while over there. She said it was because The Baby wouldn’t eat, but I worry it is because she was drinking or doing drugs. I kept these thoughts to myself because I have no current proof, just past behavior and I keep hoping that she really will grow up. I will say this about them being out of the house, as much as I missed The Girl and The Baby, it was nice to be just my husband and me again. Not that we did anything exciting, but we could go where we wanted, when we wanted. I miss that. I did get some new shoes. They are a pair of grey felt Haflinger clogs. They are awesome. I had a pair a LONG time ago that I had bought on a sale and I loved them. When I received my bonus at work (several months ago) I decided I would buy myself another pair and I finally got around to doing it this weekend. Here is what they look like.

I also bought myself a really fancy pair of slippers. They are Acorns and were originally marked at $34 and I got them for $17. They are fantastic. I wear only slippers when I am at home, so having a good pair is important. These have a rubber sole and lots of cushioning. I am pretty sure they are the nicest slippers I have ever owned, I could be in trouble…
And Taxes
I did my taxes over the weekend. Normally, my sister the CPA does my taxes, but since I have been disowned from my family because of The Girl, I had to do them myself. I don’t have complicated taxes, but it still took several hours. I am quite disorganized when it comes right down to it. I did them online at TaxACT and it went pretty well and it was cheaper than my sister. I still hate screwing around with them. It seems like there should be a better way.
I will be getting money back… about enough to pay my property taxes for the year. Sigh. Taxes. Bah!
And Darkness
My MIL & FIL arrive this afternoon. I really am not looking forward to the visit. They are just a lot of work to deal with. You have to be careful what you tell them and how you tell them so they do not completely freak out. It just is exhausting. I have not started my vest yet. However, I did wash, block and measure my swatch, which is an accomplishment since it is more than I normally do. I got stitch gauge, but not row gauge. I do not think it will be too big a deal since normally things are way too long for me anyway. I am short and fat and apparently heavy set people are supposed to be tall. I used my Knit Gauge app on my I-touch to figure out the gauge. It is totally sweet! If, like the current pattern I am working on, you have a repeated design, you can measure one repeat and put in how many stitches there are in that repeat and viola, it figures out your gauge. It is too cool. I love my I-touch.
Anyways, in-laws… We don’t have much planned for while they are here. We are going to the opera on Saturday. We will be seeing the Barber of Seville. We still need to make dinner reservations or something before hand, but I think it should be a good time.
I am taking Friday off of work. Maybe we will all go to the zoo. Well not all of us, because The Girl has a doctor’s appt in the afternoon, but maybe we can take The Baby with us. We will have to see.
The weather is supposed to be perfect all week, okay, there might be showers on Saturday, but that is not a big deal.
DH has not told his parents that he has class on Wednesday so I am not sure what will be expected of us that night. DH has been taking spinning classes. They are going quite well as far as I can tell. I am so proud of him and I will post some pictures as soon as I take some.
Hopefully, The Girl will not be too cranky and the In-laws will not be too judgmental about The Boyfriend.
Uff Da, I think it is going to be a long week.
And Death
Well, what can I say about last week’s episode of Lost? I loved it. Of course, I love Ben and a whole hour of him is more than I could ask for. It is good to see that Ben really is better than Widmore (as I suspected). I do realize that is like saying it is better to get bit by a great white vs. a tiger shark, but I do not care. Ben does not kill Penny because he does not want Charlie to not have a mom. He doesn’t want Alex to not have a mom, okay, technically she did not really have a mom around, but Ben did not kill her so she could have one eventually. Surely that counts for something? I do not think Ben expected to see Locke when he woke up and I do believe that he was telling Sun the truth, dead is dead. Perhaps Locke is something else? Old Smokey perhaps? Time will tell.
The Temple and Egypt: I have been thinking about all of the Egyptian stuff in the show. I was thinking that if this was once an island that followed Egyptian religions and then moved, perhaps the culture was isolated and then corrupted or evolved into something else. That could explain why the hieroglyphs are so primitive looking and why the statue (who I believe is Anubis) has shorter ears than he does traditionally. I would like to go back to my idea of the Island being Atlantis. If the Island is moving around, who is to say that it did not start around Egypt and move up by Greece and to the South Atlantic and then to the South Pacific.
Why did Ben shoot Cesar? During the 2nd viewing of the show, it occurred to me Cesar was shot because he had the shot gun. Here is my thought process. If the office was Ben’s, that means that the shot gun was Ben’s. So when he sees Cesar has the gun, he has to assume Cesar has been digging around in his office. Ben has to assume Cesar could have seen something which would raise suspicions, maybe not right away, but eventually and Ben can not wait for eventually. So he shoots him. I was really stunned by Locke’s lassie faire attitude. Really, Locke normally gets more worked up about things.
I am really looking forward to this week’s episode. I love Miles as well. It should be interesting.