I took a test and that was the conclusion… I am most like the mystery wedge on Wheel of Fortune. Who knew?! I feel so mysterious. Maybe I will bankrupt you or make you rich… who knows!
So, there has been drama here. The Girl has Bell’s palsy. It is not as bad as it sounds… half of her face is paralyzed. An infected nerve causes it. It is temporary, but she has been acting like it is a going to end her life. She got in a fight with her friend and her Ex on Saturday and that did not help her mood.
On the upside, she has her driver’s license and her own car last Friday so I can actually use MY car whenever I want. It is terribly exciting.
We bought her a 2003 VW Jetta. It is quite cute, but it was a pain to buy it. Okay, it was not really the buying that was the problem, but rather the getting it ready for us to take. It had a small battery in it because they take out the full size battery so no one will steal the radio (actually this was a weird explanation, but it is what they told us). Now, with VW, their radios have a code that needs to be imputed to make it work once you have removed it from the power source, so that had to be done. Also, the dipstick was broken, so I told them to replace it. SO when we bought the car, they said it would take about 15-20 minutes to get all this done. We waited and waited and waited… Finally, the sales guy came back in and said they were having problems with the radio. It might take a little while to get it going. After we had sat in the sales guy’s office for more than 2 hours, they figured out that the radio that was in the car did not work and they took the radio out of another Jetta they had on the lot and were going to try to get that going. It was suggested we leave for about an hour and an half and it should be good to go. When we came back, the radio still did not work, the sales guy said he would give us a $150 credit for the radio installer next door and we could pick out a new radio. At this point we were completed worn out and said fine. We had gotten there at about 12:30 pm and it was now going on 5:00 pm. The funny part… The Girl got the radio to work that night! What a bunch of maroons! They suggested that we get all the service done there, but I cannot image entrusting them with actual repair work on it. We have a guy she can go to who only does German cars.
Otherwise, things are okay. My husband had a birthday and I handled it poorly and made him crabby. I did take him out to lunch at our favorite restaurant, Vincent, the day before his birthday, but we did not do anything special on his birthday. I felt very bad that I made him so cranky. And of course if he is cranky, The Girl is cranky.
I have done some knitting. I knit this little bear for The Baby.
It is odd, but she does like playing with it, so I consider it a success. I will use a different pattern for my next teddy, this one was just too fiddly and there was too much seaming.

This is the beginning of my Snowman Army.
That’s right. You had better look out because by next Christmas I will have a complete army and I will take over the world! Mawhah-hah-hah!!!
Or, I will just make them into ornaments and give them to people.
One or the other...