I have been making hats this week. I was working on my father-in-law’s Christmas present, when the temperature here in the fine state of MN dipped down to the 30s. On Wednesday I came home from work and my husband asked me to make him a hat. Since I had to finish the one in order to make the other (I only have one set of size 6 DPNs). I could not start until Thursday morning. I did get it done by Friday midnight. Yeah!
My father-in-law’s hat is my own design. I call it the physics hat. He has a PhD in plasma physics (the study of waves) so I found a picture of a wave, (I think it might be a co-sine wave, but I really do not know for sure) and I made it into a pattern. At first I thought I would make the wave a different color, but then decided it would be better done with a purl stitch instead. I personally think it is quite clever and I hope he likes it. You can not really see it in the picture unless you look really closely. I will try to get a better picture at some point.

The hat I made for my husband is just a plain beanie made out of Renaissance yarn by Classic Elite. It is a lovely color, but just a smidge too small. I used up the whole skein and was quite scared I would run out and have to go find more.
I just finished a hat this morning before work for my littlest niece as well. Then, I am going to make a hat for one of my friends little girl. They have officially adopted her and there is going to be a party to celebrate on Saturday. I bought some very yummy yarn last Saturday at the Yarn Garage in Rosemount. It is just a wild store and packed to the brim with all sorts of yarn. Almost too much, because I was about to leave empty handed when I found this and had to buy it. Only $4 a ball! Here is my kitten Buttercup surveying the yarn. The blue hat next to it is the one i just finshed for my little niece.

I have had a difficult time figuring out a pattern for her because she just turned 2 and I really do not know if she needs a hat which ties on or not. I was thinking I would make a nice rolled brim hat. I think that a little girl would look darling in one.
I am also working on some wristers for The Girl. They are going to be black and orange for Halloween. So I have to get the done ASAP or Halloween will be but a distance memory.
She is mad at me currently because I do not like her current thug of a boyfriend. It doesn’t really make me want to finish them but I did promise her I would make them. I am doing them in the round and they are 2x2 rib, so it isn’t like they are hard. I should be able to get them done by the end of the week as well.
I am thinking that I should work on something flat for a change of pace, but I still need to make my mother-in-law’s slipper socks for Christmas.
The In-laws are coming up for thanksgiving and since they are driving (from NM) I figured if I had the presents all done and wrapped, I could just sent them with and save on the shipping charges. So I am trying to get everything done by then. I am almost there… I can’t wait. I hope all the gifts go over well.
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