I was reading in the paper, on Sunday it think, an article written by some guy in D.C. Sorry I am being so vague, but I was not paying much attention. Any who. This guy was talking about how the weather center somewhere had declared that winter started December 1st and went to February 28th (or 29th) and spring started March 1st. I did not really read much after this because I thought, what a bunch of horse hockey. Here in MN, we will get snow and cold usually starting in November and we can get snow as late as April (which is very cruel when the robins have already arrived, they look so confused). Now I am thinking I a far southern state like Texas or Arizona winter, such as it is, really only lasts a couple of months and a northern state like MN or Maine, it would last more than 3 months. I just thought it was really arrogant for any one to declare March 1st as Spring. Crap, sometimes people really bother me.
This morning it was slushy coming in to work and I seem to have a small hole in my one shoe as my socks got wet. I was walking in wishing I was wearing my wool socks so it would not be so uncomfortable. I should knit more socks, but I really do not love knitting socks. What I need to do is find someone who LOVES knitting socks and I can trade like hats and mittens for socks or something.
It is funny that sometimes I knit something and I just love doing it and other things I just do not care for. It does not seem to be based on being more complicated or more interesting. I would rather knit 10 stockinet hats than one pair of socks and I only wear anklets. It is quite fascinating to me. I know people who all they knit are socks or sweaters or whatever. Is there something in people that makes them say, “I am good at X so that is all I will knit.”? I am in a little knitting group at work and when I remind some of the newer knitters that I have only been knitting a couple of years, they are all like, yeah but that must be all you do, you are so good and you do such complicated things. Now, I do not think I do anything terribly complicated. I have done some simple lace; I have not even touched the more complex lace patterns I have mooned over since I discovered lace knitting. I think the most complicated thing I have attempted is the stranded knitting and even then, it was just hats and it is far easier than it looks. And again, its not like I am doing a Bohus sweater or something, In fact, I can not seem to knit a sweater. I turned the Sweater of Doom into a vest rather than bother with the sleeves. So I still feel like a beginner, just one that is a little more adventurous than others. For example, I spent my Saturday night tinking two rows of my shawl, because for some reason I knit row 7 instead of row 5 and did not discover this until I went to knit row 7 and thought, mmmm I already knit this row. I even kept checking back while knitting the wrong row. Of course, I had not done a life line because the knitting was going so well. Lol.
I have Guild tonight and I am very excited. I have not been to a meeting since November and I really am looking forward to a night out on my own. Of course, I always have to worry about what to bring to knit on. I would like to bring my shawl because it is a little more impressive and I would like to get it done this week. However, it is fiddly and I do not want to screw it up because I am not paying enough attention. I am also working on some baby sock to go with the hat I knit, so those might be good because they are not as complex. I am doing the after thought heel on the one I have made and then I will cast on for sock #2. I also think we are turning in stuff for the charity of the quarter so I will need to remember my hats I have made. Not the baby one, because I want to do the socks to go with it, but I have 3 others I can give. I always seem to forget my stuff when I go. Tonight though I have a ton of stuff I need to remember: my hats, the Yarnover vendor forms, the returned mail from Yarnover vendors, my knitting. Uff da, it is going to be a busy night when I get home.
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