On Tuesday afternoon, I became a grandma. She was born at 2:21 CST. She was 7 lbs 1 oz and absolutely perfect. The Girl’s water broke at 12:30 Monday afternoon. I left work and hauled her to the hospital. She was in labor for 25 hours and had only dilated to 3 cm. The nurse said they would probably have to take the baby via C-section, but the doctor was on his way to evaluate her. The doctor was supposed to show up in about 30 minutes. Within 20 minutes she was in complete agony and said it felt like here butt was about to explode. She thought she had to go potty, but in reality she had just dilated all the way to 10 cm and the baby was coming the regular way. The nurse had never seen anything like it. However, The Girl only had hard labor for about 45 minutes. After the baby came out, The Girl just kept looking at her saying “That’s my baby!”. It was really nice. I was very proud of her. I took the whole week off and spent a lot of time at the hospital. Everyone is home now. The Baby is very sleepy still, but she is lovely.
Here is a couple of pictures:
Here are her feet.

This is her in her outfit I knit for her to come home in. Isn’t she just the cutest thing?

About the title… on Monday night, we were at the hospital and they were going to do a drug test on The Girl. The nurse had put a plastic container in the toilet for her to urinate into. The Boyfriend had to go to the bathroom and The Girl told him the he had to use the bathroom in the hall because the nurse had but a “hat” in the toilet. She told him “Don’t go potty in my hat”. I just thought it was hilarious.
I really do not know what else to say right now. I am just so happy that The Baby is here and she is healthy.
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