Yesterday I was feeling a little down, as you could probably tell from my blog posting. Sorry. I left work a little early because I just could not concentrate. I decided I would take a walk when I got home, I thought it might improve my mood. I went walking in the nature preserve next to my house. I do not go there very often because they do not let dogs in and when I go out for a walk, it seems like I should take the dogs with, or at least the crazy one. However, I felt like going alone. It was a balmy 16 degrees so it was not very crowded. I took some pictures to share.
About 50 years ago, this area was a lake. Apparently it was several miles wide. It was drained to put in the interstate next to it and now it is just a swamp, although it is still a “lake” in name.

I did not see much Nature. Well, I mean, there was trees and cattails and snow, which I know are technically “nature”, but I saw no animals. I saw evidence of animals. I think these are rabbit tracks, but I do not know for sure, Nature is not my specialty.

Towards the end of my walk I heard birds, but I could not see them. The only birds I saw were the big metal kind with red tails.
Here is a picture of the old people condos they built a few years ago. This used to be a cute little single family home and the VFW. They torn those down and put in these condos and after much fighting, the VFW was made smaller and added to the side of the condo building. Behind these condos are more old people condos which they torn down the local hardware store to put in. Richfield is a 1st ring suburb so it is an aging suburb. We have a lot of old people condos and just a block away from these is an assisted living center which replaced several blocks of single family houses. I always worry that our house will be next on the chopping block of progress.

Anyway, the walk wore me out, but I do not know that it made me feel better. I went home and worked on the
Kick Ass-cot from Vikki Howell’s website. I am knitting it with
Twize in Twack. I had knit up almost one whole side per her instructions and I did not like it with the fingerling weight yarn in it so I ripped it out and redid using different size needles instead of changing the yarn and I like I a lot better. I practiced knitting with my left hand while watching the
Westminster Dog show, which I watch every year. I still do not like knitting with my left hand and my tension is not as even. However, I can do it I guess and that is what my goal was for the class. By the by, the Beagle won the show. It is the 1st time a beagle won at Westminster and he was very happy. He barked and jumped around. It always good to see the dogs excited.
I still did not feel great, especially since during every commercial they played these sad ads about dog in animal shelters. I can not adopt any more pets right now and I just felt bad that I could not bring these ones home too. I know I could end up being one of those crazy people you see on TV with like 100 cats in their house if I am not careful. Only I would have dogs. I know if I lived some where with more room I would have at least 4 dogs, maybe 5. I know, it is a sickness, I just love dogs. I am a responsible pet owner though and all of my pets are spade and neuter, except the littlest one because she has not been old enough until now to get it done. We just need to make an appointment. I take them to the vet every year to get checked out and they really have a pretty good life. I would never leave them behind if I had to move or whatever, not even my crazy dog Strider who has ADD.
The thing that made my night though was an ad I saw while watching the 10:00 news. Here in the fine state of Minnesota we have a “professional” basketball team. They are called the Timberwolves. They have a mascot called Crunch, who is a wolf, presumably one of the timber variety. Well, apparently Crunch’s birthday is fast approaching. Who knew that fictional mascot had birthdays? But the Timberwolves organization does not want to over look the birthday of their most valuable team member and they are having a special event to honor him. That’s right, if you come to February 24th game and are one of the 1st 5000 guests, you get a special gift to honor the birthday boy,
A CRUNCH PUNCHING BAG. Who doesn’t celebrate their birthday by giving out images of themselves for others to beat upon? I know I am having a bunch made up of myself for my friends and family! LOL. Sports teams make me laugh. This has got to be the lamest promotion since the turkey drop on WKRP in Cincinnati. As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.