I have tons of stuff to do at home.
I need to get my taxes off to my sister; she is a CPA and does my taxes for almost nothing. Normally, I drive down there, but I do not know that I am up to that task this year. One never knows what the weather will bring and I have been crazy busy on the weekends lately. Plus, I must face the fact that her 3 kids are getting to the point that they drive me absolutely nuts.
I have knitting to do. I am taking a class for a Fair Isle hat so I can learn to knit with both hands. I am a thrower, but I am quicker at it than most. Mainly, because I hold my knitting “incorrectly”. It works for me, but it is making learning picking difficult. Our homework this week is to practice knitting with the other hand. Bleah. I can do it, but I am no where near as fast and it hurts my hands. I need to learn how to do it though because I would like to make a Fair Isle tam and I think in the end it would be quicker to use two hands.
I finished up a pair of wristers for The Girl. It is the Little Green Wristers pattern from 101 Designer One Skein Wonders. Of course, she wanted them longer so I repeated the cuff pattern so it is 6 repeats long and they are red, not green. She did like them and she said she would wear them today. I did not take a picture because I was not thinking, so hopefully I will be able to corner her tonight and get picture.
I have been thinking that I should try to finish up the Sweater of Doom. The more I think about, the more I think I should just rip up the sleeve and make into a vest. I would like a vest and I think the sleeve being at the wrong gauge is going to bother me more than I care to admit. I think the bigger problem is that I would have to knit the other sleeve at the same gauge and it took way to stinking long to knit a ¾ sleeve at that gauge.
I have a ton of stuff I have started and never finished. Why do I do that? I know that I should be able finish some of them. So I think before I cast on anything new, I am going to have to finish up at least a couple projects. Some I think I might just rip up. If I haven’t worked on it in a year, will I ever? I doubt it.
Over the weekend, one of the cords on my Knitpicks Options set came out of the metal ends. I was so bummed out. I have asked my husband to give them a holler and get a replacement, but part of me thinks I could just shove some glue in the metal end and stick it back in. Would that work or would it cause problems? I am very disappointed that it does not seem to have any adhesive on it all. It is just stuff in the tube. That does not seem like a quality product in my opinion.
I have to work on The Girl’s rainbow socks. I am worried that they are too small and I will have to rip them up. The sensible thing to do would be to have her try them on so I know, but I am filled with dread at the prospect of being correct.
I also have been working on a vest that I have the entire front and back panels all knit, but I need to stitch them together to finish it up and I have been too lazy to do that. Here it is almost half way through February and I have not finished anything for me to wear for winter. I had better hurry.
Here is a photo of a boat off the coast of Bonaire. I wish I was there right now. Knitting in the sun.

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