1. The Island is in a parallel universe, sort of like Bizarro world in Superman. The electro-magnetic property is what controls the “gates” as it were, to get in and out. Perhaps in this world all of the Oceanic 815 passengers are dead and in the other one they are not. Or perhaps it was supposed to be the other way around and they switched places.
2. The Oceanic Six – Jack, Kate, Hurley and who else? I am guessing Sayid, Sun and Claire. Why? Because I think it is too cruel to abandon a pregnant lady and a baby on the Island. And Sayid because I love him and I want him to survive, plus he can fly a helicopter. My thought process is this: They leave the Island with the intention of going back to get the rest and can not return due to the electro-magnetic “gate” issue. Hence, Charlie telling Hurley that he has to go back to help the others.
3. Who the Hell is Ben? Why does he know so much about everyone? Did he really come to The Island when he was 10? Okay, I am not sure who he is, but I have always thought he had something to do with the Hanso family. Don’t know why, just a gut feeling. Perhaps he is psychic. It would explain why he knows about things that seem to be very private, not just names and crap. Does he have a contact on the “rescue” ship? I doubt it. I think he states what he thinks will help him survive. Why do the guys on the “rescue” ship what to get at him? Because he is a trouble maker, of course. LOL.
4. Time / space continuum – the time that occurs on The Island does not seem to jive with the time line in real life. The plane crashed in September 2004 and Oceanic air just started to fly again in December 2007. And it seems to be after that, that plane is “discovered” at the bottom of the ocean. So, why have the survivors only been on the island for 90 days or whatever it is? Hmmm, perhaps time is slower in The Island universe, which would help to explain why people do not seem to age much. Of course, this could be incorrect.
5. Why has Jack become so irritating? I used to like him, but he really has become such an ass. Maybe it is the whole “I am a doctor” attitude has finally become more than I can bear. Why can’t he listen to anyone? Arrrgh!
6. Can the dead come back to life on the island? Is Jack’s dad still alive? Is he one of the Oceanic 6? This seems like a stretch since I thought Jack’s mom was alive when Jack went to go get his dad’s body. I would think it would cause a scandal for him to come back from the dead in the “real” world. When Jack is ranting for the hospital staff to go get his dad in last season’s finale I think it is just drug induced confusion. However, wouldn’t that be a kick in the head if he was alive? Or perhaps, the Oceanic 6 do not come back to their world, but the parallel one and in that world; Jack’s dad is still alive. Hmmm. That would explain why they would not want to talk about what happened and who was left on the island.

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