Yesterday I we had to put down our little dog. She was starting to have trouble getting around the house and remembering to go outside to potty. It was just time.
Good bye baby-dog… you will be missed.
Now we just have cats. I have to assume that will have to be that way until The Girl and The Baby move out. Although that is not going to be anytime soon. The Girl is pretty resigned that she is not going to pass this semester and will have to go to summer school and the fall term and graduate in December. We will have to see. She is going to be the death of me…
Dead Jedis
I hate the movie Return of the Jedi. There are two reasons for this: 1) to quote Hurley from Lost “Ewoks suck, Dude.” 2) At the end of the movie the victors are having a party and Luke Skywalker looks over and sees the ghosts of Obi-wan, Yoda, and Darth (aka Dad) standing there smiling and waving. It is just stupid.
Lost ended this week. I was extremely disappointed with the ending. The fact that the “Sideways world” was just some generic spiritual purgatory where the Losties were all waiting so they could go to the great hereafter together was just lame. Really, it all comes down to religious crap? Bah! It was Return of the Jedi all over again. God, can’t dead people just stay dead. I would have been really happy without the sideways world and just having it end with Jack saving the Island and seeing his friends jet off to safety and closing his eye. And maybe a few more answers instead of happy-go-lucky dead folks. Anyway, the more I think about it the madder I get, so I will not be discussing Lost any more.