Today’s post is going to be just about Lost. I was very upset with the last episode (Follow the Leader). Mainly because there is a path the show seems to be going down which with I totally disagree. Namely, down the path of The Stand. I think I mentioned this in my last post as well, and it really seems to be even more so after this episode with Jack playing the role of the Trashman. If the writers nuke the island next week, I will be very disappointed.
I guess we will find out next week.
Jack is being a complete idiot. I do not know how he could look Kate in the face and say that the last three years have had more bad than good. Hello, McFly! She was headed to jail on flight 815; her life was a LOT better because of the crash. Actually, looking at the people who crashed, there were quite a few whose life is better because of the crash.
Sun and Jin – were headed for divorce court, instead they realized how much they loved each other and had a baby.
Sawyer – found Juliet and discovered how good life could be once you settled down with someone you love.
Charlie – got off the smack and died a hero’s death.
Locke – got out of the wheelchair and discovered a purpose to his life.
Rose and Bernard – Rose was cured and they are together.
Hurley – reunited with his father.
Jack just can not see past the fact that he became a drunk. Well, I hate to say this, but Jack was not actually all that stable to begin with and I think he was on the road to alcoholism any way.
All I know is that when Kate is the voice of reason the situation is BAD.
Who is Jacob? This has been an ongoing question. My husband came up with a great thought: perhaps Jacob is being held hostage through some dark magic. Perhaps, the reason that Richard never ages is that he did some ritualistic magic in order to stay that way. I really like this theory. Several seasons ago there was that scene where Locke saw a rocking chair in the cabin and hears “Jacob” say Help Me. Could killing Jacob release him? Or was it actually The Island asking for help? All I know is that Locke is determined to kill him. However, Richard and Ben seem to want to share a secret about Jacob before they went to see him. Perhaps, Jacob does not actually exist?
Sawyer and Juliet: I love them together and I think that Kate needs to stay out of the way. Just a thought, Juliet is a trained Other, you don’t think she would put a cap in Kate’s ass? Really, Kate is going to die and Juliet will just be like “I don’t know what happened”. Of course, I would not mind if Kate died since I have never been a big fan and her character has really went down hill this season. Of course, maybe that was the plan all along. Maybe Kate dies in the series finale.
When Eloise (last posting I called her Eleanor sorry about that) told Charles she was going off to get Jughead, he was talking to her and he put his hand on her stomach. Is Eloise pregnant? Could she be pregnant with Daniel? I was thinking that, but then someone on Ravelry pointed out he would have been 18 in 1996 when he was a professor at Oxford. Now they did say he was the youngest person to earn a Ph. D from Oxford during the last episode, but he did not seem that young. So maybe it is not Daniel, but perhaps Penny? Who knows? Maybe Charles just likes to touch woman’s stomachs.
Radzinsky needs to be taken out and shot. What a freaking creep! And Phil needs to go with him. Really when he hit Juliet, that was totally uncalled for. Of course, I actually think Juliet is more dangerous than Sawyer, but the DI doesn’t know that. Really what kind of place are they running?
I loved Hurley getting interrogated by Dr. Chang. This scene just goes to show how important it is to know your history. There was no Korean war?! Of course the best part was that Hurley had said he was worried that someone would ask him who the president was when he arrived in 1977 and everyone just laughed. I guess he was right to worry. 1977 = Jimmy Carter.
Please note where Jughead was buried: under Dharmaville / New Otherton. Now if you recall from a previous post I theorized that the reason there was infertility in New Otherton was because the bomb was leaking radiation and caused it. I think this episode supports that theory even further. Hooray for me!
One final observation:
My husband and I were discussing Ben one day and we decided he is very much like Richard the third. However, in this episode, he reminded me of Iago from Othello. He was just really toady in this episode. Perhaps he is a combination of Richard III and Iago, charming and deceitful and very dangerous.
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